Adam has been with Document Solutions since September 2006 and has made the role of service control his own. Sometimes confused with Vin Diesel, Adam ensures that your service calls are dealt with politely and efficiently and is usually the voice that you will hear on the other end of the phone. Adam believes he is the best cyclist in the Company.
Adam will answer some quirky questions so we can get a better insight to our Service Control Expert.
Q. Tell me a little about your personal life – are you married, children? Etc
A.  I have been married for 12 years with no plans to have children, only the 4 legged type. I have 2 pugs named Bono & Mitzi and a cat called Leah. I love spending my time riding my bike around the coast and spending time with my family and friends.
Q. How did you become a Service Controller?
A. Stepped into the roll at Toshiba around 12 years ago and a good friend that I worked with there recommended myself to the powers to be at Document Solutions, it’s been 8 years and I haven’t looked back.
Q. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
A. Hard to really some it up in 3 words but we will go with this… Good looking, Athletic and Funny.
Q. What is something about you that nobody here at Docsol knows?
A. I’m a pretty open book but only recently I let the cat out of the bag and said that I love putting LEGO together. I’m a collector of the Lego City.
Q. What is the best thing since sliced bread?
A. Love putting Lego together and enjoying a good cup of coffee.
Q. What is the best trip you have taken – where and why?
A. Been on many trips to Phuket Thailand but Queenstown New Zealand was probably my favourite as I saw snow for the first time and there were plenty of activities to do as I went bungee jumping & paragliding and dined in many great restaurants.
Q. If you won 1 million dollars, how would you spend it?
A. Pay off the mortgage and go on a European holiday with my wife. I would also probably buy another road bike.
Q. Name five famous people (dead or alive) that you would invite to your dinner party.
A. Scarlette Johansson, Miranda Kerr, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Craig Lowndes and Carl Barron.
Q. Are you a dog or cat person?
A. I am a dog person until they do something wrong and then the cat becomes my favourite.
Q. If money and time was not an obstacle, what would you do with your life?
A. My wife and I enjoy the stress of building so I guess we would build our dream home, relax a lot more even though I find that hard to do. Spend quality time with family and friends as life is very short.